EP.852| BIGGEST story of the year

Welcome back to another episode debrief Kathy’s! 🔥 

Although we missed Drama today-

the brothers hosted a fun one with great stories and lots of laughs!! LOTS OF IT!!

It’s so cute when the brothers get along 🥰 

Germany Kiss GIF

In today’s pod:

  • Spring break

  • Russia’s terror attacks

  • Shohei’s gambling problem

  • Elon strikes again

  • Google vs. Open AI

Ohtanis Risky Addiction

Americas favourite Japanese sweetheart, finds himself in a gambling scandal 🤧 

Last week, Shohei Ohtani’s translator (and long time friend) was fired by the LA Dodgers.

Turns out, Ippei Mizzuhara stole $4.5 million from Shohei’s account and put those proceeds towards sports betting 😂 

Los Angeles Sport GIF by MLB

Some background for those out of the loop:

  • Shohei Ohtani is a Japanese baseball player- he’s literally the Lebron James of baseball

  • He signed the BIGGEST sports contract this off season with the LA Dodgers ($700 million for 10 years)

  • Read EP.828, we wrote a letter with all the details on his contract

The brothers are convinced that Ippei is a cover up for Shohei’s gambling problem.

“I believe Shohei Ohtani is an addicted gambler”

-Dee’s Take

Shohei was definitely in the loop of Ippeis activities 😂 , because records show the money was funnelled from his account directly to the bookie.

We’re already a little weary of Shoheis antics-

Kermit The Frog No GIF by Muppet Wiki


According to Anands sources, Ohtani doesn’t even need a translator and speaks perfect english. 🤯 

So we wouldn’t be surprised if this guy is a raging sports gambler (not a good one clearly).

Anyways, this changes the landscape of sports betting for athletes. The flood gates are open- if Ohtani can do it, so can everyone else.


Clips from the pod

  • Is spring break being changed because parents want to go on vacations? Spring breaks used to be 1 week long, but in recent years that’s been upped to 2 weeks.

  • ISIS claims responsibility for the recent terror attacks on Russia, however Putin is convinced it’s Ukraine


Meme’s that made us laugh this week


Did you see this?

That’s all for EP. 852 🤩 

Hope you enjoyed the read-

and as always Subscribe to the channel, as the race to 10K continues!


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